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Agent VPN bypass URL

Capture the agent's 'true' network details when using a VPN.

Andy Scott avatar
Written by Andy Scott
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What does VPN bypass URL do?

The network_isp shown in Operata is the network used to send data from the agents Operata browser extension to Operata, on

Whenever an agent uses a VPN the agents network IP address is allocated by the VPN, this masks the 'real' they are using and shows all VPN connected agents as using the same network (the network_isp for all agents will be the same; zScaler for example).

Without this data you cannot establish where or how the agent is connecting to the network to fully understand any network related issues.

How can we capture the Agent's 'real' network details?

Operata has created a 'bypass url' ( that simply captures the IP address of the device making a request to it.

At the start of every call the Operata Browser extension makes a call to this url, captures the IP address, does an ISP look-up and presents the data in Cavas as agent_isp.

If calls to this bypass url are made outside the VPN then details of the agents 'real' network will be collected.

What do customers need to do to enable this feature?

The agents VPN client configuration needs to be updated to pass calls to via the Agents local network (not the VPN) this configuration is commonly known as VPN split tunnelling.

No data is passed to the VPN URL - it is simply an endpoint that the Agent client used to capture the IP address used to call it.

Please contact Operata if you need any other details..

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