What is it for?
A summary view of your Contact Centre, understand service norms and deviations as a signpost to investigate further.
The trend vs the last period in many of the fields shows the numeric and percentage difference between the current month (28 day period) to the same period in the prior month (28 day period from the same date the month before)
What the fields show....
# Calls (28 days) - Number of calls connected to Agents, inbound and outbound, with trend vs the last period.
Agent Locations (28 days) - A map of the world view, hover over highlighted Countries to see the number of calls over the last period.
# Calls (28 days) vs 28 days prior - Timeline view on the number of calls with a lighter line showing the previous period.
% High CX Risk (28 days) - The percentage of calls with a High CX risk with the number of impacted calls and trend vs the last period.
CX Risk Breakdown (28 days) - The causes by percentage of CX Risk over the period.
CX Risk [by Severity] (28 days) - Timeline view of CX Risk - hover over to see the number by severity.
# Agents (28 days) - Count of unique active agents, with trend vs the last period.
# Agents (28 days) - Timeline count of unique active agents with a lighter line showing the previous period.
# Agent Reported Issues (28 days) - Number of Agent Reported Issues of any category, with trend vs the last period.
# Agent Reported Issues (28 days) - Timeline view of Agent Reported Issues - hover over number of Agent Reported Issues by type.
Browser Coverage (28 days) - The percentage of agents sending data to Operata from the Operata Browser extension with the number of impacted calls and trend vs the last period.
Operata Coverage (28 days) - Timeline view of Operata coverage, by type - hover over number of agents covered by type.
# Missed Calls (28 days) - Number of missed calls (MissedCallAgent), with trend vs the last period.
# Missed Call [by cause] (28 days) - Timeline view of missed calls (MissedCallAgent) with/without associated error log files - hover over to see the number.