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Multi CCaaS release references

References quoted in the Multi CCaaS blog release

Gary Tuohy avatar
Written by Gary Tuohy
Updated over a week ago

Notes on this article.

1 Assumptions: 65 calls per agent per day (Cornell) x 21.48M agents (Statista, A.T. Kearney- Philippines 1.8M, US 3.4M, India 1.15M, UK 1.5M, China 1.2M, 2022. Figures extrapolated to global population) =1.396B per day x 260 working days 363B calls/day. Cloud calculated from 11.76B of total market size of 29.5B (Grandview Reseach) (Fortune Business Insights).

2 Operata Voice Performance analysis, 2022.

3 Zendesk, Customer Experience Trends Report 2020, page 14.

4 Nemertes, The global workforce forever changed, April 2020.

5 WFH Agent Technology now on the ‘plateau of productivity’. CCaaS hype cycle, 2021, Gartner.

6 BPO means Business Process Outsourcing.

7 ContactBabel U.S. Contact Center Decision maker’s Guide, vol3, page 206.

8 Mordor Intelligence, January 2021.

9 Operata commissioned research, based on a typical 250-seat contact center and standard cost models.

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