Running Campaigns

How to run Campaigns..

Andy Scott avatar
Written by Andy Scott
Updated over a week ago

The main Simulate Screen lists all the Campaigns that have been created, with the newest or latest Run Campaign at the top, use the search window or Tags filter to find the Campaign you are looking for.

Campaigns that have not been Run can be Deleted or Copied, once Run a Campaign cannot be deleted.

Select Run to run the Campaign

The next page shows the configuration of the Campaign

Select NEXT

The Graph shows the predicted ramp-up, peak and ramp-down, based on the Campaign parameters you have set.

Select NEXT

This page shows any data pulled into the Answer Call Treatment from a csv upload
Select NEXT

Now you are nearly ready to go...
But first, enter a description for this specific Run of the Campaign, you can also add a Run Tag.
When you are ready, select RUN CAMPAIGN, and things will start to happen!

The Operata platform immediately starts to make calls and the Graph builds in real time, with actual calls shown in Black.
The Run Status shows as In Progress and the metrics for the Campaign Run start to build.
Use the STOP button on the top right-hand corner, if you need to stop the mid-campaign run.

The Run Status shows as Complete once the Campaign has completed.
Now let's look at the results!


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